Jaydip Sen is a Professor of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Praxis
Business School. Prior to joining Praxis, he has worked with Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation Ltd., India, Oracle India Pvt. Ltd., and Akamai Technology Pvt. Ltd,
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd and National Institute of Science and Technology,
INDIA. His research areas include Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence,
security in wired and wireless networks, intrusion detection systems, secure
routing protocols in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, and privacy issues in
ubiquitous and pervasive communication, He has more than 150 publications in
reputed international journals and r conference proceedings (IEEE Xplore, ACM
Digital Library, Springer LNCS etc.), and 8 book chapters in books published by
internationally renowned publishing houses e.g. Springer, CRC press, IGI-Global
etc. He has delivered expert talks and keynote lectures in various international
conferences and symposia. He is a Senior Member of ACM, USA a Member
IEEE, USA and IEEE Computer Society, USA. Prof. Jaydip Sen obtained his
Bachelor of Engineering (B. E) in Mechanical Engineering with honours from
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India in 1988, and Master of Technology (MTech)
in Computer Science with honours from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata in